A Private Money Lender
What will I need to get this loan?
We did the homework so you don't have to. Here are the answers.
The "Really Short" Answer
Do you have an LLC?
If Yes: About $900 + 10% down of the purchase price + 10% of the repair estimate.
If No: About $1200 + 10% down of the purchase price + 10% of the repair estimate.
The "Short" Answer
You might need about $300 to set up an LLC if you do not currently have one.
You will need a property contract for the real estate the you are buying.
You will need $249 for an application fee once the property deal is approved.
Once the loan is approved you will need $400 to $900 for an appraisal.
10% of the purchase price as the down payment
10% of the repair estimate not to exceed 65% LTV
The "Long" Answer
Below are the detailed steps to the BEST PATH we found to getting a home flipping loan APPROVED from our money resource.
Loan amount parameter: $30,000 to $498,257 (FHA CAP)
Loan purchase parameter: 90% of purchase so purchaser will need a 10% down payment.
Loan rehab parameter: 90% of rehab not to Exceed 65% LTV so purchaser will need to cover 10% of the repair.
Note: Cash-out Refi 50% LTV is available if purchaser owns 100% of current home.
Can I get higher amounts for commercial properties? Yes.